Of Fears, Live Streaming & Doing It with Friends

Written by

Krista Goon

Published on

April 16, 2020
BlogFB Live interviews, Resources

Vimi and I just completed our FB Live – our 1-hour plus session on FB just now. If you missed it due to work meetings, never fear. We have it on replay and you can watch it here (just click above) or you can head on to fb.com/redboxstudio

We used Streamyard to stream live because I wanted specific features that native FB Live couldn’t give me. Streamyard.com is a cool software that lets you stream live to social media platforms like FB, Youtube, LinkedIn etc. I chose FB for this debut because this is the platform to ease me and Vimi in – we were among friends and people who knew us.

I also wanted to have us side-by-side on the screen (normally called a split-screen) as it felt more natural this way and the viewers could see us both at the same time.

That was part of my research too – how could I figure this out? I am not a techie. And then I remember Marie Forleo’s tagline “Everything is figureoutable!”. I am also quick in learning so I learnt by watching lots of videos, asking people, and testing out different streaming platforms. And that’s how FB Live happened.

So what did I learn?

  1. Tech issues will happen. We had a “broadcast studio” that we could hang out and test out our mic and sound. I had an echo in the beginning but later, she started having an echo. Take it as it comes. Roll with the punches. Life’s like that. You don’t have to be perfect to get started but you just gotta get started.
  2. One hour goes by really fast when you’re having fun.
  3. People appreciate the fact that Vimi and I were both casual and fun and had our family make cameo appearances (like Nic was working in the background on his PC while Vimi’s daughters were around her – they were as excited as Vimi too).
  4. Yes, we did two test-runs before we went live. Test-runs meaning we structured our conversation, what we wanted to say, who’s saying what and when. Remember I said we had a “broadcast studio” that we could hang out in and test our mic and see how we looked on camera? We were in the “broadcast studio” two times for a total of 2 hours just to plan this 1-hour FB Live. Spontaneous needs planning!
  5. A friend said she loved that we were offering a bonus to people who stayed with us till the end. I told her, I love surprising people with gifts. This is one of them!
  6. Another said she loved that we had titles and other messages we could show on the bottom of the screen while we were chatting. Again, it’s thanks to the cool features of Streamyard. Love technology!
  7. Starting off in FB with family and friends jumping in to support you is absolutely crucial. It gets the momentum going.
  8. Interview someone you know, like and trust. Someone who will be there to chime in when you’re controling the streaming dashboard and your eyes are everywhere. I was telling another friend that I was looking all over the screen as I wanted to remember what to do and say and when!
  9. Always give honestly in an FB Live. People can smell inauthenticity a mile off. Make sure you’re 100% who you say you are.
  10. Try something that scares you. Vimi and I just did. Now that we conquered this proverbial mountain, we are excited about other things in our horizon.